Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The contemporary hipster

The contemporary hipster is actually very interesting compared to previous forms of what is defined as a hipster. Today hipster became more  of an actual trend where, pretending to be alienated made people unite more and be more social. Thus completely dissolving the purpose of being hipster. For a while veganism became very trendy, and people jumped on board to seem like they were helping the world, when a few months later dropped the fad and moved onto something else. being hipster is just another trend in time, that will be replaced. In 21 Jump Street it is shown what happens when someone who grew up with jocks meets the new generation of the high school hipster cool kid.
this is a prime example of how trends have changed, and being a hipster has progressively become the more popular choice.

With appreciation today, I find that people are actually beginning to have higher standards for media. Many U.S. animation companies are making around one to two films a year, each of which are typically unoriginal content, or a sequel in the works. Many of these films now are getting less and less viewers, because the audience is demanding new and original content. I could go onto what it takes to make something original, and how it still exists, but thats another topic on its own. My point is that people are beginning to wake up and want something better with media, something that is fresh and helps benefit what they do with their lives, and how they can relate to the works. Dream works just laid off 500 employees because they haven't made the profit they needed with their last 3 films. They are now taking action, and are attempting to make more higher quality content. Whether this will happen or not is for time to tell.

Hipster society today comes with its ups and downs just like many trends. A lot of media is jumping on the sort of hipster train, some that are original and good for the value thats behind them. Like the incredible show Adventure Time, where a boy and his dog learn many values. Like understanding that just because someone does something bad, doesn't always make them a bad guy.
The show has very much a modern humor, one that was obscure at first, but has slowly taken the liking among many people.

But some shows that are just plain strange, and just don't have a the same  great quality of humor behind them. Overall, just like anything else in the world of trends, some things are great fresh and new, others not so much. But thats the ups and downs with many things in both life and society.

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