In todays culture I personally think its incredibly important to have an understanding, of anime, and to watch closely with how they set up their storytelling. All through High school i didn't think very highly of anime, until one day I sat down opened Netflix and binged almost everything. The first anime I watched out of sheer luck was Gurren Lagann. Which was Easily one of the most inspiring pieces of animation I have seen to date. It tackles everything I could ever think of in a story narrative, in only 24 episodes. It typically takes at least 50 episodes of a typical show to accomplish half of what Gurren Lagann did. It centers around a young boy named Simon who literally digs his way out from under the dirt, and into the stars using sheer will and courage, as well as moral support from his friends. As cheesy as it may sound it sells the message by using giant mechas as the enemy, and regular people outwitting, and being united. It really inspired me personally to hopefully tell a tale like it some day.
However enough of Gurren Lagann, I also grew up watching dragon ball, and loving the training sequences, that always led up to the martial arts tournament, it's now that I realize that most of the anime I love, is about showing that hard work, a positive attitude, and determination all pay off if you never stop, and I think these morals are very spot on to how people should try to live their life. Im not saying you should run around being the next Goku, but to find something you love and stick with it. Thats a very powerful thing to show in a kids show.
Some shows today that clearly show the curve of western animation, with a anime blend are shows like Steven Universe, and Bee and Puppycat. Steven Universe introduces same sex relationships in a very beautiful subtle way, that doesn't leave you with any question in your mind, It shows that it should be as natural as the hair on your head, a very powerful message. Example: of how natural and subtle the show is, but delivers a very strong message that can be sensitive today.
Overall I think many shows should start moving in the direction of anime, not only for the story messages, but also for the short episode count. With shorter amounts of set up episodes the more powerful your story will most likely be by the end. There isn't much of a need for fillers today. I thnk it would be wise to follow the example of some of the stronger works of anime. However i can't say all animas is great, there are plenty of, just like american shows, bad ones too.